Simplified Solutions Provide Control

Phased Approach

The use of a phased approach provides simplified solutions and, as a co-product of simplification, control.  Early establishment of clear objectives, adherence to the disciplines to conceive and evaluate multiple options and rigorous, frequent review optimizes plans.  This process results in operationally proven components while minimizing risk.

Phase 1 - The Planning Phase

Phase 1 identifies team members, project roles, responsibilities and schedules.  A successful project requires an understanding of the current environment, the first step in this phase.  The six step provide a proven method to capture, format and analyze the data used to develop the master plan.

  1. Initial Investigation                              4. Conceptual Design
  2. Operational assessment                     5. Master Plan Selection
  3. Requirements statement                   6. Phase-in/Focus Plan and Cost/Benefit Analysis

Phase II - The Design Phase

this phase is a seamless extension of the planning phase.  In this phase, the conceptual design solidifies functional descriptions; pre-bid requirements, specifications and operational characteristics are developed.  As in Phase 1, the separation of activity into discrete steps assures a smooth flow of information

  1. Develop Functional Description        4. Vendor Recommendations
  2. Pre-Bid Requirements                          5. Integration/Make Requirements
  3. Initiate General Design                        6. Final General Design

Phase III - The Implementation Phase

  1. Initial Detail Design                            4. Education and Training Plans
  2. Purchase Requirements                   5. Implementation
  3. Final Detail Design                             6. Final Acceptance

This Approach Supports Clients in the Process of Creative Competitive Advantage